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Pay attention to changes in climate environment during the transportation of ceramic fiber blankets

Pay attention to changes in climate environment during the transportation of ceramic fiber blankets

It has been known that the ceramic fiber blankets are rolled and have a high tensile strength and are not easily damaged. Therefore, when loading and loading, we can use the stacking method to arrange, that is, in a certain order and Stack the goods in the direction.

Of course, you don’t have to worry too much about the overload of the body, because we can see from the above that the weight of the aluminum silicate acupuncture blanket is very light, just need to ensure that the stacking height of the product is lower than the body.

The climate change should be taken care of during the transportation process. Since the ceramic fiber blanket can accept a certain high temperature, if the product is damp, its quality will definitely be affected. To prevent this, the canvas should be completely concealed on the outside of the body.