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Production considerations for ceramic fiber blankets

Production considerations for ceramic fiber blankets

To prevent skin and respiratory irritation, the following should be done when handling ceramic fiber blankets and refractory materials:

1. Wear long-sleeved clothes and gloves.

2. Wear head and eye protection, including a respirator or mask to prevent inhalation of dust.

3. After treating the ceramic fiber material, wash any exposed skin surface with soap and water.

4. Always separate RCF soiled clothing from other clothing.

5. Do not smoke, eat or drink when working near RCF.

6. Keep the RCF work area clean to prevent debris from accumulating on the floor surface.

7. Use a high efficiency particulate air filter for cleaning tasks. If it is not feasible to use a HEPA filter, use a wet scan or use a dust suppression compound.

8. Avoid using compressed air to clean work clothes and other contaminated surfaces.

9. Do not use power tools to cut or drill RCF products.