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The relationship between the length of use of ceramic fiber blanket and temperature

The relationship between the length of use of ceramic fiber blanket and temperature

Through the introduction of the previous article, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of the ceramic fiber blanket, an excellent thermal insulation material. Usually, people buy items in addition to caring about the quality of the products. It is more important to care about their service life. I believe that every purchaser wants to buy the products for the long time as much as possible. The service life of a product is related to its quality. What is more important is the user’s method of use. If the method is used properly, then the service life of the product will naturally be longer, the use method is not appropriate, and the quality is good. I am afraid that the service life will be greatly reduced. Let’s discuss with you how to use the ceramic fiber blanket to have a long life.
The service life and temperature of ceramic fiber blankets have a great relationship. The ceramic fiber blanket is used at a suitable temperature. The internal structure is more stable, the performance is better, and the use time is longer. The longest use time can be achieved. 8-10 years. If the ceramic fiber blanket is placed in an environment containing corrosive substances such as a kiln atmosphere, the use temperature of the ceramic fiber blanket is determined based on the specific fuel used in the kiln. If it is used in a reducing furnace gas, it is necessary to use a ceramic fiber blanket made of high-purity synthetic material as an industrial furnace wall lining material and apply anticorrosive paint. In addition, in order to obtain the same thermal insulation effect in the ceramic atmosphere under the reducing atmosphere, we also calculate the thickness of the wall lining according to the composition of the reducing atmosphere to avoid any problems during the work.
It can be seen that at different operating temperatures, even the same ceramic fiber blankets, the length of use is not the same. Our company produces all kinds of high-quality ceramic fiber blankets all the year round. Welcome customers to visit our company. We will be happy to provide you with the best service.